Rediscovery of Traditional Ecological Knowledge As Adaptive Management Ecological Applications: Journal Article

Abstract: Indigenous groups offer alternative knowledge and perspectives based on their own   locally developed practices of resource use. We surveyed theinternational literature to focus on the role of Traditional Ecological Knowledge in monitoring, responding to, and managing ecosystem processes and functions, with special attention to ecological resilience. Case studies revealed that there exists a diversity of local or traditional practices for ecosystem management. These include multiple species management, resource rotation, succession management, landscape patchiness management, and other ways of responding to and managing pulses and ecological surprises. Social mechanisms behind these traditional practices include a number of adaptations for the generation, accumulation, and transmission of knowledge; the use of local institutions to provide leaders/stewards and rules for social regulation; mechanisms for cultural internalization of traditional practices; and the development of appropriate world views and cultural values. Some traditional knowledge and management systems were characterized by the use of local ecological knowledge to interpret and respond to feed-backs from the environment to guide the direction of resource management. These traditional systems had certain similarities   to adaptive management with its emphasis on feedback learning, and its  treatment of uncertainty and unpredictability intrinsic to all ecosystems.                           
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Rekindling Native Fires: Journal Article

Excerpt: "Just up the hill from the old Lyons homestead, in what is now Redwood National Park, stand a group of majestic tan oak trees, their broad bases hollowed and blackened by fire. Amelia Lyons tended these trees by burning out the undergrowth around them, and like generations of Hupa women before her, she was rewarded with an abundant crop of acorns. Long after her death, the ground is littered with hundreds of small brown globes dropped by the trees. But without Amelia's fires, the acorns are riddled with weevil holes."
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The History of Oak Woodlands in California, Part II: The Native American and Historic Period: Journal Article

Abstract (excerpt): The open oak woodlands described in the accounts of Spanish explorers were in large part created by land use practices of the California Indians, particularly burning. Extensive ethnographic evidence documents widespread use of fire by indigenous people to manipulate plants utilized for food, basketry, tools, clothing, and other uses. Fire helped maintain oak woodlands and reduce expansion of conifers where these forest types overlapped. There is no clear evidence that the Spanish or subsequently the Mexican land uses had any significant impact on the distribution or abundance of oak woodlands. The introduction of livestock led to dramatic changes in understory species, which may have had some effect on oak regeneration, but this first wave of European settlement left California’s oak woodlands largely intact. During the American period, impacts on oak woodlands intensified. Oaks were cleared for fuel and charcoal, to open land for agriculture, and to improve rangeland. Fire suppression favored conifers where oaks and confers co-occur, leading to loss of oak woodlands.    
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Simulated Indigenous Management: A New Model for Ecological Restoration in National Parks: Journal Article

"In this essay, we argue for a shift that emphasizes disturbances created by indigenous peoples in the pre-Columbian landscape. We believe that there are areas within various national parks where nature has been influenced by long-term Indian occupation, management and cultural resource management that would reconstruct indigenous disturbances and include approximations for those disturbances as means of restoring and maintaining park landscapes."
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The Role of Indigenous Burning in Land Management: Journal Article

Abstract: "This article highlights the findings of the literature on aboriginal fire from the human- and the land-centered disciplines, and suggests that the traditional knowledge of indigenous peoples be incorporated into plans for reintroducing fire to the nation’s forests. Traditional knowledge represents the outcome of long experimentation with application of fire by indigenous people, which can inform contemporary policy discussions."
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Assessing post-fire conditions: Burned Area Emergency Response: Presentation

Presentation from the June 2013 Chaparral Restoration Workshop in Arcadia, CA

This presentation discusses the different types of post-Fire rehabilitation on federal lands: 1) Suppression rehabilitation;  2) Emergency stabilization (a.k.a. BAER) 3) Rehabilitation & restoration. For each, examples of management actions, responsibilities, and costs are noted. 

Presenter: Jan Beyers, USFS Pacific Southwest Research Station. 
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Attempting Restoration on the Angeles National Forest: Presentation

Presentation from the June 2013 Chaparral Restoration Workshop in Arcadia, CA.

Follow the restoration process in this step-by-step, highly visual story from the Angeles National Forest. This post-fire restoration story discusses challenges including invasive species, environmental conditions, and more. 

Presenter: Katie VinZant, USFS Botanist.
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Forest ecosystem health & aspen restoration: Presentation PDF

Presented at the Aspen Restoration and Ecology Workshop, South Lake Tahoe, CA, 2014.
This presentation discusses the active management restoration projects for Aspen in the Lake Tahoe Basin. Issues of resilience, implementation strategies, and multiple resource benefits are highlighted. 

Presenter: Dave Fournier
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Fire regimes of quaking aspen in the mountain west: Presentation PDF

Presented at the Aspen Restoration and Ecology Workshop, South Lake Tahoe, CA, 2014.
The 5 objectives of this presentation are:
1. Provide a brief overview of aspen fire ecology 2. Discuss methods to understand reconstruct fire regimes 3. Synthesize existing research literature that pertains to estimating aspen fire regimes in the Mountain West (U.S.) 4. Suggest a conceptual classification framework for aspen fire regimes in the Mountain West 5. Identify key knowledge gaps and research needs (incl. climate change)

Presenter: Douglas Shinneman
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Lake Tahoe aspen education: Presentation PDF

Presented at the Aspen Restoration and Ecology Workshop, South Lake Tahoe, CA, 2014.
Presenter Joy Barney is the Conservation Education Program Specialist for the Lake Tahoe Basin Mgmt Unit. In this presentation, she discusses the diverse education programs done through unit and key points for running a successful education program. 

Presenter:  Joy Barney
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Education in Chaparral: Recorded Presentation

Presented at the 2nd Annual Southern Chaparral Symposium, 2015.
This presentation discusses the educational campaign to share the "5 truths of chaparral" through awareness, curiosity, and shared learning.

Presenter: Rick Halsey
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Recreation and Chaparral: Ecosystem Services, Values & Future Sustainability: Recorded Presentation

Presented at the 2nd Annual Southern Chaparral Symposium, 2015.
The benefits and drawbacks of recreation in chaparral ecosystems are evaluated in this presentation. Social and environmental considerations are discussed and recreation-use survey results on the National and Angeles National Forests are presented. 

Presenter: Pat Winter
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Carbon sequestration and cycling: Recorded Presentation

Presented at the 2nd Annual Southern Chaparral Symposium, 2015. 
This presentation explains the basics of carbon sequestration  in  drylands and Mediterranean ecosystems in addition to a basic overview of the carbon cycle. A major question discussed is  "what influences rates of emission and organization of soil carbon?"  

Presenter: Darrell Jenerette

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Erosion and Physical Ecosystem Services in Chaparral: Recorded Presentation

Presented at the 2nd Annual Southern Chaparral Symposium, 2015. This presentation covers a wide range of potential impacts and considerations for erosion in chaparral ecosystems. Topics include hill and stream erosion processes, post-fire erosion and impacts to ecosystem services caused by erosion. 

Presenter: Pete Wohlgemuth

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Water quality and quantity in chaparral region streams: Recorded Presentation

Presented at the 2nd Annual Southern Chaparral Symposium, 2015. Watersheds in chaparral regions have many potential impacts from events like fire, climate, human-use, and invasive species. These impacts are explained in detail in this presentation and opportunities to address them are presented. 

Presenter: Chris Solek
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Flood control and sediment regulation: Recorded Presentation

Presented at the 2nd Annual Southern Chaparral Symposium, 2015. This presentation discusses the basics of flood control and sedimentation with an emphasis on how fire influences these processes. Images and examples of projects are included to showcase the possible actions and impacts. 

Presenter: Keith Lilley
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