Who We Are

The California Fire Science Consortium is a network of scientists and managers that strives to accelerate the awareness, understanding, and adoption of wildland fire science information by federal, tribal, state, local, and private stakeholders within ecologically similar regions. Our mission is to be a neutral, customer-driven collaborative group that facilitates the flow of fire science information and dialogue.

For more information on who we are, what we offer, and some answers to Frequently Asked Questions, check out our informational flyer:
CFSC Flyer


What We Do

In addition to hosting a clearinghouse of manager and policymaker-oriented science resources on this website, we also seek to facilitate face-to-face interactions through regional field trips, workshops, and symposia. To help improve the availability and understanding of fire science in California, the CFSC produces and organizes different types of resources and events:

Partnerships - Our diverse partnerships are tailored to each organization and individual we collaborate with. CFSC supports partner activities by providing personal resources, coordination skills, and sponsorships. If you would like to partner with us, reach out to our statewide coordinator at californiafirescience@gmail.com for more information.

Research Briefs and Syntheses  - We publish concise highlights of science papers for easy access to key findings and management implications.

Webinars  - We record online sessions that offer in-depth knowledge sharing and discussions on specific fire science topics. Join us for a live webinar or check our previous recordings.

Workshops, Seminars, and Conferences - We organize events that facilitate interaction, networking, and knowledge exchange among fire science professionals and enthusiasts.

Ask an Expert - Have a burning question you need answered? We connect individuals with experts who can provide valuable insights and recommendations to their fire-related inquiries.

Research Needs - We identify and compile research needs from managers to shape future Joint Fire Science Program and CFSC priorities. Have a research need? We want to hear about it!


Where We Work

California is a big and diverse state, and our science delivery and experts are just as diverse. CFSC statewide coordination is through UC Berkeley while our regional teams work on issues that are ecologically, environmentally, and culturally relevant to their area. We have 4 geographic regions that cover the state: Northern California, Sierra Nevada, Central & Southern California, and the Mojave and Sonoran Desert (that includes parts of other states). We also have two statewide Wildland-Urban Interface teams, one of which focuses on Spanish-speaking communities.


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More about the Consortium

Staff & State Advisory Board
Our Partners
Annual Reports
Logic Model

Contact Us

For general inquiries, contact
CA Fire Sci Consortium Coordinator

Directory of Experts

Contact information for fire science experts in our region.

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