Influence of fuels management and fire weather on the Rim Fire: Research Brief

Authors analyzed the 2013 Rim Fire to see how fire severity varied with factors. Potential factors included the proportion of the landscape previously treated or burned, fire weather, vegetation, and water balance. 

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Lydersen, Jamie, Brandon Collins, Matthew Brooks, John Matchett, Kristen Shive, Nicholas Povak, Van Kane, and Douglas Smith. 2017. Evidence of fuels management and fire weather influencing fire severity in an extreme fire event. Ecological Applications 27(7): 2013-2030. DOI: 10.1002/eap.1586.

Interested to hear more about the research being done in the Rim Fire? Join us on Nov 13, 2017 at 12PM for a webinar with the first author of this paper, Jamie Lydersen, to hear more.
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