Convergent Life Histories and Fire-Driven Speciation: Research Brief

Wells  contended that  fire  was the  selective  force behind  the  convergent  evolution  of  the  obligate   seeding  strategy  in  Arctostaphylos and  Ceanothus,   and was  accompanied  by  prolific speciation,  due   in  part  to  a  much  greater  number  of  sexual   generations  for  seeders  than  for  resprouters. 
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Comparison of Natural and Type-converted Chaparral: Research Brief

The  ability  of  chaparral  species  to  persist   following drastic removal  treatments  is  a   function  of  their  life  history  characteristics   and  pre-­‐treatment  abundance. 
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Climate, Human and Fire Effects on PORE Vegetation: Research Brief

In  this  paleoecology  study  of  sediments  at  Point   Reyes  National  Seashore  (PORE),  Scott  Anderson   documented  changes  in  vegetation  resulting  from   climate,  people  and  fire  over  the  past  15,000   years.
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Climate Impacts on Fire Regimes in Coastal California: USGS Research Brief

In southern California, research by USGS scientist Jon Keeley and published in the International Journal of Wildland Fire has shown that the anomalous annual Santa Ana wind conditions in that region override both climate and fire activity.
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Climate change in California: vegetation, wildfire, and carbon dynamics: Research Brief

Climate  change  in  California  is  likely  to   lead  to  a  decline in  alpine/subalpine   and  conifer  forest,  woodland,  and   shrubland extent  while  promoting   grassland  dominance.

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Characteristics of stand-replacing patches: Research Brief

Stand-replacing patch size was highly variable in a high elevation mixed conifer forest in the Sierra Nevada with a range of variation dominated by many small patches < 10 acres (4 ha) and few large patches >148 acres (60 ha).
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Behavior and effects of prescribed fire in masticated fuelbeds: Research Brief

The  authors  conducted prescribed  burns in  two   masticated  areas  in  northern  California to assess   fire  effects  in  treated stands,  compare  fire   behavior  and  effects  with  outputs  from  commonly   used  models,  and  evaluate  the  ability  of   mastication  to  increase  stand  resilience  under  a   range  of  hypothetical  wildfire  scenarios.

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Basic principles of forest fuel reduction treatments: Research Brief

In  this  paper,  Agee  and Skinner reviewed  related  literature,  simulated  fire  behavior  in  different treatment types,  and considered five  real-­‐world examples  of  fuels treatments and  wildfire.  Using   these  methods,  they  distilled  a  set  of basic principles underlying effective  treatments  that   reduce  fuels  and  limit wildfire  severity and extent.
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Balancing the Carbon Costs and Benefits of Fuels Management: Research Synthesis

This 2011 review synthesizes the growing body of scientific literature on the carbon balance of fuel treatments (i.e. the ability of treatments to achieve net carbon offsets.) The purpose of this synthesis is to highlight research relevant to forest managers and policymakers interested in the potential for forest management to contribute to climate change solutions.
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An Early View on Stopping Wildfire Conflagrations: Research Brief

With  dangerous  chaparral  fires  on  the  rise  in  the   1970’s,  Clive  Countryman  asks  and  answers,  “[Must]  such  [conflagrations]  be  accepted  as   inevitable  in  southern  California?  I  think  not!”  And   he  outlines  a  set  of  fuel  modification  solutions...
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Alien Plants and Fire in Desert Tortoise Habitat: USGS Research Brief

Alien plants and fire have recently been recognized as significant land management problems in the Mojave and Colorado deserts, especially as they relate to management of the federally threatened desert tortoise.

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