David Passovoy
/Environmental Scientist
Fire and Resource Assessment Program
California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection
(916) 445-4301
Consortium staff (statewide and regional), Advisory Board members, Experts, etc.
Environmental Scientist
Fire and Resource Assessment Program
California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection
(916) 445-4301
New California Fire Science Consortium website
THE cfsc is divided into 4 geographic regions and 1 statewide wildland-urban interface region
CA Fire Science Consortium coordinator
Contact information for fire science contacts in our region.
Here's a virtual 'Hello' from all of us. Feel free to contact us - we're here to help.
The California Fire Science Consortium is divided into 4 geographic regions and 1 wildland-urban interface (WUI) team. Statewide coordination of this program is based at UC Berkeley.
View the about page to learn more >
This regional Fire Science Exchange is one of 15 regional fire science exchanges.
Link to another exchange: