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PYROSILVICULTURE Fire Use as a Silvicultural Tool in the Recovery and Management of Central Sierra Forestlands: Workshop

  • camp edison campground California United States (map)

The Multi Aged Forestry Group Presents


Fire Use as a Silvicultural Tool in the Recovery and Management of Central Sierra Forestlands

Oct 19th and 20th, Shaver Lake, CA

A field trip for professionals and students interested in sharing and applying new information relevant to multiaged and resilience-based silviculture

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Sierran forests are facing catastrophic wildfires, vast overstory mortality, extreme understory fuel loading, high vegetative density, and limited regional market options. The incorporation of fire use with fuel and density management treatments is becoming of increasing interest as a tool in the effort to restore Central Sierra forestlands. Can we use fire in a way that sustains timber objectives? Come join us for presentations, a field tour, and thoughtful discussions.

Cost is $30.00 per person to cover dinner and breakfast. Pay in person. Camping is available for free to attendees in Camp Edison Campground on Friday, Oct 19th and Saturday, Oct. 20th.

Sign up by October 11th at 3PM at

For questions, contact Ryan Stewart:; (559) 841-3155


Friday, October 19th

Noon. Camp Edison. Meet at Group Picnic Site 2 for brown bag lunch (bring your own) and Camping information.

13:30- 17:30 Presentations- Museum of the Central Sierra:

Presentations Include:

Costs and Benefits of Fire Use vs. Wildfire Suppression- Juli Stewart, RPF Vermillion Resource Management

Pyrosilvculture- can it be a thing? Dr. Rob York, UC Center for Forestry

Fire Use and Silviculture’s Role in the Recovery of Sierra Public Lands - Ramiro Rojas, Silviculturist, SNF

Fire Use Objectives on the Sierra National Forest- Adam Hernandez, Fuels Specialist, SNF

Recent Fire Research Applications for Forestry- PSW, Dr. Brandon Collins

History of Fire Use on SCE Lands- John Mount, RPF, Retired SCE Forester

Fire Use and Wildlife- Stephen Byrd, Biologist, SCE Forestry/ Camp Edison Manager

Calfire VMP and Fire Use on SCE Lands- Ryan Stewart, RPF, SCE Forester

17:30- Dinner and Discussion: Camp Edison Group 2 and Chickaree Amphitheater

Option of Chicken or Steak with sides.

Discussion focused on MAFG future meetings

Saturday, October 20th

7:00 Breakfast, Group 2 Picnic Area

8:30- 13:00 Field Tour:

• Pre and post prescribed fire treatments, and “pile-cast” burning on salvage logged SCE Forestlands

• Transition silviculture: Plantation to multi age stand using group selection and fire

• Fall 2018 prescribe fire plans (or maybe performance) on SCE lands

• Cal Fire Cooperative VMP Burning on SCE lands

• USFS burning on the Dinkey Collaborative Project.