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3rd Southwest Fire Ecology Conference

Beyond Hazardous Fuels: Managing Fire for Social, Economic, and Ecological Benefits

November 28-December 2, 2016   Tuscon Arizona

As part of the Southwest conference this year, we plan to host roundtable discussions designed to identify communication issues that occur during wildfires, to understand and appreciate varied perspectives, and to brainstorm scenarios where good communication enables managers to meet resource objectives more readily.  Socioeconomic implications of fire will also be a large part of the conference.  We will have Workshops & Trainings, Attached Meetings, Rx 310 Class, and several field trip options.  Plan to join us in Tucson for this important event!

Some of the goals and objectives of this conference include:

  1. Create new connections among researchers, managers and practitioners
  2. Through roundtable discussions, provide an opportunity for line officers, resource advisers, operations and planning staff, public information staff, etc., to understand some of the internal communication issues that occur during wildfire management actions and to develop potential solutions
  3. Invite presentations on new science and management

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